Experts say flawed or sloppy manufacturing could account for some of the heavy metals, carcinogens and other dangerous compounds, such as lead, tin and zinc, that have been detected in some e-cigarettes. 专家表示,目前已经在一些电子烟中检测到的重金属、致癌物质和铅、锡、锌的危险化合物,可能与存在缺陷或疏忽的生产过程有关。
In addition, in most manufacturing enterprises, most of the total manufacturing costs for the year pass through the work in process and finished goods accounts into the costs of goods sold account before the end of the year. 另外,多数制造企业在年末将发生的所有成本通过在产品和产成品账户转入产品销售成本账户。
In addition, the manufacturing accounts are summarized periodically in an account named Manufacturing Summary, and finished product inventory is adjusted through Income Summary. 另外,生产性账户定期接转于生产汇总账户,完工产品的存量则通过收益汇总账户来调控。
In manufacturing, private companies now account for seven times more investment than state ones. 在制造业,私企现在的投资份额是国企的7倍。
The higher labor costs for milling and weaving in Europe, where more traditional manufacturing methods are employed, account for the higher purchase price. 欧洲采用较传统的生产方式,加工与纺织的人工成本因而较昂贵,售价也较高。
China, which in the past 10 years has become the most important country for electronics manufacturing, will in 2010 account for 46 per cent of outsourcing work in this industry, down from 48 per cent two years ago. 而中国在该行业外包工作量中所占的比例,预计将由两年前的48%降至46%。过去10年,对电子制造业而言,中国已成为最为重要的国家。
Among the initiatives in the works are a$ 1bn school broadband scheme, the launch of six manufacturing research institutes and the creation of a tax-exempt account for future retirees. 正在酝酿中的举措包括10亿美元的学校宽带计划、创立6家制造业研究机构以及为未来的退休人员设立一个免税账户。
The manufacturing of cars, repairs, maintenance, and related services account for one out of 10 jobs in the American economy. 汽车的制造、维修、保养以及有关的服务行业占美国经济中百分之十的工作职位。
In the adduction of proof to the contrary, the legitimate interests of defendants in protecting their manufacturing and business secrets shall be taken into account. 在引用相反证据时,应顾及被告保护其制造秘密及商业秘密的合法利益。
The idea is presented that it is inevitable to apply ERP technology to manufacturing, introduces the feature and applied range of ERP system and its objective management performance, advances the problems should be taken into account about ERP in business management. 分析了应用ERP技术是当今制造企业发展的必然,介绍了ERP系统的特点和应用范围及其目标管理绩效,提出了ERP在企业管理与实践中要思考探讨的问题。
The classical economic production lot size ( EPL) models do not take volume flexibility of manufacturing system into account. 传统经济生产批量(EPL)模型没有考虑制造系统的产量柔性,机器的生产率和单位生产成本都被假定为不变的。
Adequacy of existing technologies has to be evaluated taking manufacturing capabilities into account. 必须对现有技术水平和制造能力进行评估。
A Method for Manufacturing Cell Formation by Taking Machine-Load into Account 考虑负荷的制造单元划分方法
In green manufacturing, the materials choice not only takes into account the general choice principle, but also takes into account the choice principle of the degree of green on environment. 在绿色制造中,材料选择不仅要考虑其一般选材原则,而且要考虑基于环境的绿色度选择原则。
The results show that material acquisition and manufacturing account for 20% of the energy consumption, operational heating accounts for 40%, and operational lighting accounts for 24% of total building energy consumption in a building's life cycle. 结果表明,在生命周期总能耗中,建筑生产过程、运行采暖、运行照明分别占20%、40%和24%。
The manufacturability of engine block is improved by considering the manufacturing process in the period of modeling. And engine assembling capacity can be guaranteed because assembly relations in it are taken into account while modeling. 在建模过程中考虑了制造工艺,提高了机体的可制造性,保证其在发动机系统中的可装配性。
Mass customization, this new mode of production on the manufacturing operations fully into account the needs of system control integration, including: the rapid increase in product variety, volume and other changes and increased random order. 大规模定制这种新的生产方式全面考虑了关于制造运作系统控制的需求结合,包括:产品品种的迅速增加、批量改变和订单随机性增大等。
And the volume of manufacturing enterprise always account for the absolute great proportion. 而其中制造业企业的交易量一直占据着绝对大的比重。
Splint in the manufacturing process has a number of factors due to the constraints, so the study process should take into account a lot of problems in order to design a high-quality technology. 在制造夹板的过程中,由于存在许许多多因素的制约,所以在工艺的制作中就要考虑到很多问题,才能设计出安全可靠的工艺。
By the case study of one manufacturing company, the paper took the ABC method to account the logistics cost. And analyze the condition of three years 'logistics cost through the result. ABC法在物流成本核算中的案例研究通过对宜宾某制造企业的案例研究,用作业成本法对物流成本对象进行了核算,利用计算结果对公司连续三年的物流成本状况进行分析。
In addition, there are many factors that affect manufacturing productivity, but in this paper, not all factors are taken into account and thus lead to a limitation research. 此外,影响制造业生产率的因素有很多,但本文没有将所有的因素都考虑在内,而只是从技术创新单一角度进行研究,具有一定局限性。
In the semiconductor wafer manufacturing enterprises, the average manufacturing equipments account for 70% of the total investment. 在素有吞金兽之称的半导体晶圆制造企业,其制造设备平均占到其总投资的七成。
In the actual manufacturing enterprises 'supply chain inventory management, enterprise decision makers always want to realize multiple management targets and taking into account various interests. 在实际的制造类企业供应链库存管理中,企业决策者往往希望同时实现多个管理目标,兼顾各个方面的利益。
Second, the need to rely on cast iron cylinder liner manufacturing process, taking into account the casting performance, its composition can not be flexible changed, it is difficult to provide the best combination of friction pair with piston. 其次,铸铁缸套成分无法灵活的改变,很难达到与活塞环最佳的摩擦副组合。
It becomes very complicated to supervise and control the production process in the workshop, because of the characters of modern flexible multi-variety and small-lot manufacturing pattern. MES is more and more valued by enterprises on account of its powerful management function in workshop executive level. 当今制造企业多品种、小批量柔性生产方式的特点,使得企业对车间现场生产过程的指导和监控变得非常复杂,MES以其强大的车间执行层管理功能正受到企业越来越多的青睐。
The rubber isolators of cooling module were optimized to improve its modal frequencies and decoupling rates in Z and Rx direction, utilizing hybrid genetic algorithm and taking manufacturing and installing constraints into account. 借助混合遗传算法,以发动机冷却模块在竖直方向和风扇旋转轴向固有频率、解耦率合理匹配为优化目标,考虑生产安装等限制,优化橡胶悬置刚度性能。
Taking the characteristics of tire mould manufacturing into account, an intersection projecting method is adopted, and the tread intersection projecting tool is developed, which is special for the electrode design in tire mould manufacturing. 结合轮胎模具型腔的加工特点,采取花纹拆分设计的方法,开发了面向电极设计的花纹拆分投影工具。